
Check Out This Kid’s Handwritten Apology For Prank Calling 9-1-1

When we teach our kids to commit 9-1-1 to memory, we don’t envision them calling the emergency number to yell “DEEZ NUTS!” and fall into a heap of laughter with his goofy friends.  But alas, that’s what one boy did to Georgia’s Savannah-Chatham County 911 Center — and when his parents found out, they made the sixth grader write an apology to repent for his prank (“A HANDWRITTEN note, what’s that?” — Sixth Graders Everywhere), drove him to the 911 center and asked him to read the apology aloud to the on-duty staff:

kid's handwritten apology for 9-1-1 prank call

[via Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department]

The dispatchers were kind enough to accept his sincere apology before offering him and his family a tour of their facilities, where they could clearly see there were no nuts.  Not even deez.

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