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10 Worst Things Your Hairdresser Could Say

Picture of cutting hairWhen we ladies go to the salon for some much-needed pampering, these are the LAST things we need to hear coming out of our hairdresser’s mouth:

  1. “Don’t worry. It will grow back.”

  2. “Wow. Your kids have given you a LOT of grey hairs, huh?”

  3. “I’ve seen straw with more moisture than your hair.”

  4. “SURPRISE! I gave you the Miley Cyrus cut!”

  5. “These highlights will detract from the dark circles under your eyes.”

  6. “Is this YOUR chunk of burning hair in the curling iron?”

  7. “I have to warn you — I like to talk A LOT…”

  8. “Before I turn you around to look in the mirror, you may want to take a deep breath.”

  9. “This is my first day out of the training academy!”

  10. “Oops.”

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